Monday, December 13, 2010

Impact Of Broken Families On Children

Impact Of Broken Families On Children

The impact of a divorce on a family can often be extremely severe. And, all
too often, when a couple is going through a divorce, the children are often
the ones most affected, and are often the ones that are given the least
amount of attention. Children can be severely traumatized by divorce,
especially if the divorce is a nasty one, and/or if there is a prolonged or
an intense custody battle.
A divorce impacts a child or children on many levels. When a child is
impacted by divorce, some of the ways that a child might express the ipmacts
of divorce can be:
- large amounts of anger, directed both toward others and themselves
- frequent breaking of rules
- drug and/or alcohol abuse
- destructive behavior
- frequent guilt
- problems with defiance
- increasing isolation or withdrawal from friends and family
- thoughts of suicide or violence
- increased or early sexual activity
- a failure to acknowledge responsibility.
Divorce impacts some children more

definition of broken family

:definition of broken family

Broken Families

Causes and Effects of Broken Family

Family is the basic unit of society. This is the most essential component of a country. Governance will only be effective if the citizens are properly oriented with good values and virtues, which is commonly taught by the family.

A home is where a family lives. It may be alternated to the word ‘house’ but a house is more appropriately referring to the material structure, whereas ‘home’ refers to the intangible things that bind together the family members. It is the immeasurable love and care that keeps together the mother, father and their children.

However, no matter how ideal a family in the terms of their relationship, there are still hardships and misunderstandings that will come along the way. It is just part of any relationship anyway. But, the sad part is when one of the family members gave up and the others have no choice but to accept and let go. Thus, the family starts to be broken.